We are seeking advertisers for the 2025 edition of the Printed Birch Barker. If you or your business are interested in discussing an ad in the Barker, please fill out the online form or email birchbarker1@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you for your interest in advertising in the Birch Barker! If you are not familiar with the publication, here is a quick fact sheet to help you make your decision. The Birch Barker has been published continuously on Birch Lake in Cass County, MI since 1944. Although it has changed many times over the years, it is currently a legal-sized newspaper printed in black and white only* and distributed to all 234 homes on the lake every weekend from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend (15 weeks total). The paper’s content includes lake (and some area) events, a weekly calendar and a wide variety of items of interest to lake residents and visitors (see https://birchlakeyachtclub.com/barker for samples of printed Birch Barkers). There are also examples of recent ads below.
Although the circulation is not large, Barker readers, residents and visitors to Birch Lake are in an exclusive demographic group, with nearly two thirds of the homes serving as second homes, summer homes, or weekend/vacation get-away destinations, which means the owners have sufficient discretionary income to support a lake place. These are our advertisers’ targeted readers.
Advertising in the Birch Barker is very inexpensive (see rates below) compared to all other options in the area. Most of the current advertisers have been placing ads for many years. Current and past advertisers recognize the value of purchasing a low-cost ad to reach readers with discretionary income who are already in their targeted market.
Sign up to be a 2025 advertiser
If you’d like to advertise in the 2025 Printed Birch Barker, please complete the advertising form here. if you prefer to complete a paper form, please email birchbarker1@gmail.com. Once you have completed your form, you may make your payment by check or you may pay online.
Ad sizes and rates
Ads are available in the following sizes:
1/8 Page (3.5″ wide x 3.65″ tall) – $80 for the season
1/4 Page Vertical (6.375″ wide x 3.65″ tall) – $160 for the season
1/4 Page Horizontal (3.65″ wide x 6.5″ tall) – $160 for the season
1/2 Page (7.5″ wide x 6.375″ tall) – $320 for the season
Full Page (7.5″ wide x 13″ tall) – $640 for the season
Advertising rates are one-time rates, not weekly, meaning that the rate shown is the rate for ALL 15 editions of the Birch Barker. There are no discounts for less frequent or part time ads. Advertisers may submit their own ads* or we can help you design an ad. All ads are black and white.
*All ads subject to approval of the Barker editor and BLYC Board.
Example Ads from 2024