The Birch Lake Yacht Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization with the following mission:
- To promote and conduct sailboat racing, and other water activities at Birch Lake, Vandalia, Michigan.
- To prevent pollution in Birch Lake, to preserve navigation thereon, and generally to maintain said lake as a desirable place for recreational activity.
- To foster good social relationships, sportsmanship, and fellowship among members and their families.
The BLYC welcomes any Birch Lake residents and non-residents as members. The Yacht Club facility is available for rent to members only. To make arrangements to use the BLYC building, contact Sandy Vitale at (269) 476-1680 or (269) 858-8184.
Officers and Directors
Julie Dickey, Commodore (E)
Steve Frew, Vice Commodore (E)
Deb Spratt, Treasurer (N)
Mike Sheffieck, Secretary (W)
Bob Niezgodski, Fleet Captain (W)
Other Attendees
Patrick Welch (S)
Chairman, Water Quality
Blair Garceau (E)
Chair, Homeowners Association
John Ball (E)
Dave Carroll (W)
Barb Cassady (E)
Ed Chester (E)
Karen Curtis-Miller (E)
Sue Davis, Past Commodore (E)
Bernie Garceau
Amber Grundy (E)
Deb Hall (C)
Ron Niezgodski (W)
Sarah Petty (N)
Claudia Phipps (N)
Vickie Rogers (C)
Rick Russwurm (N)
Ray Scholes (S)
Scott Troeger (E)
Phil Vitale (E)
Sandy Vitale (E)
Dan Waxman (E)
Denny Weesner (S)
Sue Williams (S)